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Adding A Task

You need to remember to do something for a client and want a reminder - create a task for yourself or someone else (in your absence)

Written by Annelli Bradbury
Updated this week

If you need to call the client for some reason or need to get a specific piece of information from them, how are you going to remember?

On BrokerCentral you can add a Task for yourself (or anyone else in your team if necessary).

The the Client screen (could be the policy screen too) go to the "Create New" section at the top of the page to the right of the client name -

Click onto Task

In the top part, state the task and then if you need to add more information, change the toggle on the "Additional Details" section -

Then the rest of the task can be filled in:

Once you have done that, click on Save Task at the bottom of the page

The task will then show up on the client page -

This will also show up on your Dashboard as a task to get done

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Telephone help : +44 (0) 1403 885 737

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