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Mid-Term Transactions

Adding additional cover or making a change to an existing policy

Written by Annelli Bradbury
Updated this week

Creating an MTA on BrokerCentral produces a policy that will sit on top of the original one.

The MTA will "supersede" the main policy.

On the main policy screen go to the box with three lines and the following drop down will appear:

Select Mid-term Adjustment

This will then take you into the same screens for proposals & renewals. This is where you will add any additional covers or increase limits.

On "4. Calculation" is where the amounts will go and a summary of what has been changed will also show and give the amount that is due.

The MTA will need to be generated and the documents issued.

The system will ask you if you want to generate the documents and if you skip that step, it will show up under the "to do" section:

Once the documents have been issued, the system will want you to confirm the policy holder's acceptance:

Click on this and the following screen with appear:

Fill in the date it was accepted (or not) and press "Save"

Then you will need to "Bind" the policy

When you bind, you will need to add what has been added to the policy (under coverages):

The MTA will be a "policy" within its own right. When renewal comes, the MTA and underlying policy will be pulled through and information will taken from the latest MTA.

Still Struggling?? How to get in touch:

Telephone help : +44 (0) 1403 885 737

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