Once you have had an insurer added to the back office and you can add them to your product, here is how to do it!
Go to Products
From here, you will chose the product that the new insurer will be quoting for - in this example we will use Commercial Property Owners / Landlords.
2. Click on the Edit button under Action
3. Under the "Insurer Panel" on the left hand side, click on Insurance Providers
4. This will bring up the insurers that are being used for that product. If you want to add another provider click on the "Add Provider to Product"
5. This will bring up a screen that will need you to add the details of the insurer you want to add.
6. The "Select an insurance provider" will drop down a menu of all of the insurers that you have on the system. Select the one you want and then fill in the other questions. Click on "Save Changes" when done.
7. This will then take you to the pop up which can be filled in.
8. Follow this link to add a contact so that if you email presentations it will go to the underwriter you want it to go to.
Still Struggling?? How to get in touch:
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