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What is the Pipeline?

How to maximise your workflow and keep on top of everything

Written by Annelli Bradbury
Updated this week

What exactly does the Pipeline do?

The Pipeline section of the software is a critical component designed to streamline the management of leads, renewals, clients and proposals.

The Pipeline allows you to efficiently track and manage your leads and as well as monitor the progress of proposals and renewals.

The Pipeline is the second icon on the side menu.

The Pipeline is made up of six columns that help you see where your leads, renewals and proposals are in relation to the quote process.

How Client Information is Displayed

On the Pipeline each client has a "tile" -

The tile shows the following information -

  • Name of Client

  • Policy number

  • Date of renewal

  • Initials of who has created the policy

  • Type of Policy (New or Renewal)

  • Main contact

  • Type of policy it is.

There are also three dots in the corner - depending on where the client is on the Pipeline there will be various options.

You will always be able to "Go to Client" from every section.

If the Tile is Red then the Lead or Renewal is overdue.

Leads / Renewals

This is the first column and shows your Leads and any policies that are due to renew. The number in the circle on the right hand side shows how many are in that section.

  • Renewals will have "Start Renewal" or "Renewal Not Required" in addition to go to client.

  • Leads will have "Start Proposal" in addition to go to client.

Proposal Started

This is the second column and shows which clients have had the Proposal started but have not had any quotes from insurers. The number in the circle shows how many clients have proposals started.

  • These will have "Go to Proposal" and "Delete Proposal" in addition to go to client.

    Awaiting Quotes

    This is the third column and shows which clients have at least one requested quote and waiting for potentially more quotes to come in. The number in the circle shows how many clients are awaiting quotes.

  • This will have "Mixing Deck", "Go to Proposal" and "Delete Proposal" in addition to go to client.

  • Mixing Deck will take you to the Proposal Section 5. Quotes and to the insurers who have quoted on the proposal.

Quotes Received

This is the fourth column and shows which clients have received quotes back and would be at the stage of being able to present the options to the client. The number and £ value shows how many clients have quotes received and the value of those if they were to go ahead.

  • This will have "Mixing Deck", "Issue Proposal", "Go to Proposal" and "Delete Proposal" in addition to go to client.

  • Mixing Deck will take you to the Proposal Section 5. Quotes and to the insurers who have quoted on the proposal.

  • Issue Proposal will take you to an email to the main contact with the report attached to then send for them to review.

    Client Review

    This is the fifth column and shows which clients are now in receipt of their renewal / new business documents and we are awaiting their response (accept or not accept - that is the question). The number and £ value shows how many are awaiting acceptance and the value of those policies.

  • This will have "Register Acceptance", "Go to Proposal" and "Delete Proposal" in addition to go client.

  • Register Acceptance will take you to "Register Client Response" which is either Accepted or Not Accepted.

  • If Accepted then the date will need to be put in and saved.

    Once accepted, another Task will come up asking if the Bind Request needs to be done. This task can either be completed or skipped

  • If Not Accepted a drop down menu will appear which you can chose from various options as to why the Proposal wasn't taken up.

    Client Approved

    The sixth and final column shows the policies that have been approved by the client and now require binding (sending to the insurer for acceptance).

    When everything has been done for that client - binding, invoice sent, documents sent - then they will disappear from the column.

    Still Struggling?? How to get in touch:

    Telephone help : +44 (0) 1403 885 737

    Email help: [email protected]

    BrokerCentral Live Chat

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